Ingredients of Concrete Batching Plant
Concrete batching plant continue to improve with the development of society and the needs of users. For the concrete batching plant, the ingredients work is a more important work. Because the ingredients usually determine the quality of the project. So, concrete batching plant’s ingredients work should pay attention to what matters?
Calibration of Concrete Batching Plant
In the course of the use should pay attention to the calibration of the batching unit. For the same batching machine, different specifications of the aggregate and different material door opening has a different calibration factor. Therefore, the calibration factor corresponding to the batching machine must be recalibrated when replacing the aggregate specification. Especially in the beginning of the use, should pay attention to the calibration of the work of the ingredients.
Concrete batching plant batching unit to keep the ingredients of the aggregate specifications of the same. Inconsistency in aggregate specifications not only affects the mix gradation, but also severely affects the performance of the mix. Therefore, should strictly strengthen the stockpile management, to prevent the occurrence of mixed. The same time, loader hand to carefully operate to prevent the occurrence of mixed warehouse.

Concrete Batching Plant

Concrete Batching Plant