Concrete Batch Plant Inspection Work After Installation
The cement mixer of concrete batch plant should be equipment in strong pedestal, if long-term use, should be buried anchor bolt, if short term use, shall be under the machine laying wooden sleeper and leveling steadier.
Concrete mixer of mobile concrete batch plant, the device should be in a flat, stable to aerodromes, with a wooden frame or support stand firm and insist level, instead of banning tire support, the use of a longer time .Remove the tire should be properly safeguarded axle ends should be clean and rust do the job.
1. Transmission organizations, operating equipment, clutches, brakes, should be tightened, active and reliable shield completely.
2. Upper body secure hook, hanging ears should be no shortage of hopper when the hopper is raised, it should hang securely hook.
3. Need to dig a pit located on the hopper of the mixer, which should elevate the compacted around the pit, the bottom feeding track frame surface should also be compacted or paving frame behind the use of wood to support operations in order to avoid long time, track deformation .
4. Concrete batch plant should fortify canopy, surrounded by mechanical no mud, clean and neat, all sorts of signs thoroughly.

Concrete Batch Plant