How to Choose Concrete Batch Plant Foundation
In the installation of concrete batch plant, there are many details must be noted that, for example, before the construction of concrete batch plant, foundation construction and selection is the focus of work.
First of all, the level of the base of the concrete batch plant must be measured with a level meter and a leveler. According to the requirements of the concrete batch plant drawings to prepare the embedded iron, embedded iron size shall not be arbitrarily changed, if necessary to change the venue must notify the technical guidance staff to make a written proof. Require the need for laying reinforcement in the base of the reinforcement network, steel anchor hook shall not be less than the size required in the drawings; foundation excavation required depth and width shall not be less than the size required in the drawings. And shall not arbitrarily change the dimensions indicated in the drawings. If there is any change, the technical instructor of the venue shall be notified and a written proof shall be made.
Second, according to the technical requirements of the concrete batch plant, find a good point of reference, the size of the error between the two bases shall not exceed 50mm, lime out of the center of the base and the size of the excavation range. After passing the basic excavation of concrete pouring, the need for secondary pouring must be poured. When digging the foundation, with the steel or wooden peg base line center position, marking requirements clear, the same basis for the location of two embedded iron centerline to the same line, the deviation shall not exceed 20mm. Before pouring the iron must be placed before placing the top level and the ground level and adjacent to the level of embedded iron, parallel, and no twist angle, from the center of the phenomenon.